Michael Jax
About the author
Samantha describes herself as a typical stay at home mom. She spends the majority of her time cleaning up after her sons, cooking things they don't want to eat, and teaching them new information in fun and exciting ways (they love science experiments!). But when the boys go to sleep at night Samantha lets her imagination run wild!
Michael Jax and the Bedtime Adventures was insprired by her oldest son, Michael, when he needed extra encouragement and comfort to start sleeping independently. Michael and Samantha would lay together at night and talk about different worlds they would like to visit, which resulted in the creation of Michael Jax. A character named by a mashup of her boys, Michael and Jack.
The original story of Michael Jax and the Bedtime Adventures was written specifically and especially for Michael. However, Samantha felt so strongly about this story that she wanted to share it with as many children as possible. Michael Jax and the Bedtime Adventures is a tale of a very brave boy who learns to travel through his dreams. On his travels he meets fun new companions that often teach him new things.
The goal of Michael Jax and the Bedtime Adventures is to awaken and expand the imagination of every reader, to inspire a love of reading and storytelling, and to bring happiness into every home!
-Samantha Holman, Author & Illustrator